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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Name: Emily Bejin

Age: 19

Hometown: Long Valley, New Jersey

Year: Sophomore

Major: Elementary Education

Relationship Status: Taken


Photo credit courtesy of Emily Bejin.


Emily is an outgoing, genuine and funny girl; she is an out-of-state student from New Jersey. She enjoys hanging out with her friends in her free time. She recently joined Alpha Xi Delta in the fall where she has made many friends! Read more to learn about our campus cutie of the week!


HC: What would your ideal date be and why?

EB: My ideal date would have to be doing something fun outside whether it be walking around downtown to get something to eat or going to the beach to kayak. Good food on a date is always important.


HC: If you could bring back anyone dead or alive for a day who would it be and why?

EB: I would bring back my great grandmother because I never had the chance to meet her, but I know she was a great woman and we would be awesome friends!


HC: What’s your ideal job?

EB: My ideal job is teaching because I love kids. It’s a really rewarding and fun job where you can be creative rather than just sit in a cubical all day!


HC: If you could live anywhere where would it be and why?

EB: I would move to Hawaii with all my friends and family because it’s such a happy place so why not be warm and happy all year long!


HC: What’s your favorite thing about UNCW?

EB: My favorite thing about UNCW would definitely be the friendships I have made. The people here are all very welcoming and nice! Another plus of being down in the South would have to be that there is Chic-fil-A! Sadly I don’t get to enjoy it up in New Jersey.

Sophomore at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Business and Marketing Major with a Psychology Minor