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Chase Wilson, Hometown Cutie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Year: 2013 (graduating in December)

Hometown: Wilmington, NC

Major: Psychology

Minor: Philosophy

Relationship Status: Single

Activities: Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), Intramural flag football

When he is not in class, studying, or working at Domino’s, you can find our Campus Cutie, Chase Wilson, hanging out with friends. He enjoys eating food, playing sports, going to the beach, listening to music, and he even plays the guitar! Maybe you have seen his charming smile and stunning hazel eyes around campus but if not, have no fear. Keep reading to learn more about this hometown cutie and get to know him before he leaves UNCW.


HC: Who are the most influential people in your life?

My brother, mom, dad, my guitar teacher, Steven Cuzmenco, Corey Rand, and Jesus.

HC: What is your favorite quote?

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

HC: What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten?

Be willing to fail because Faith and risk are synonymous.

HC: What qualities do you look for in a girl?

She has to respect herself, love Jesus, be very ambitious, have a sense of humor, and have similar interests. Oh, and be adventurous!

HC: Describe your ideal first date?

Depends on what her interests are but we would probably do something outdoors.

HC: What is your favorite movie?

Dumb and Dumber

HC: What is your most awkward moment?

I was riding a subway in Argentina and an 80 year old man tried to rob me. I didn’t know I was being robbed until I felt someone digging their hands into my pockets.

HC: What would you tell yourself when you were 16?

Don’t be afraid to fail and don’t dwell on the past.

HC: What are you going to miss most about UNCW?

I’m going to miss the people, friends, the atmosphere, Cru and its events.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully I will be married, have a house, and be traveling the world.

Kaitlyn is a student at The University of North Carolina Wilmington attaining a degree in communication studies with a focus in public relations and minor in journalism. She will be graduating in May of 2015 with a B.A. In addition to starting a Her Campus chapter at UNCW, she also is a contributing writer for USA TODAY College and has interned for local WILMA magazine and The Greater Wilmington Business Journal. When she's not writing, her time is spent working or reading magazines of all varieties. Kaitlyn plans to move to New York City after graduation to pursue a career in journalism. You can follow her on twitter @KaitlynRussell_