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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Name: Caroline Belt

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Charlotte, N.C.

Major: Chemistry

Relationship Status: Single


This week’s Campus Cutie is known for being one of the friendliest people around campus. Caroline Belt can be described as outgoing, talkative, and always going up to anybody around campus to have a conversation with, according to her friends. In her free time you may see Caroline kayaking, going to a cardio dance class, baking cookies or eating.

HC: Are you involved in any clubs or organizations on campus?

            I am involved in Campus Crusade, Residence Hall Association (RHA), Pulse Pals and National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH).


HC: What do you look for in a significant other?

            I look for someone who has a close relationship with the Lord and has a heart for people.


HC: How would you describe the perfect date?

            My perfect date would be going out dancing, anything but grinding, and then, having a nice dinner. After that we would take a walk under the moonlight.


HC: What is your favorite restaurant in Wilmington?

            My favorite restaurant would have to be Las Olas; it’s a Mexican barbeque place.


HC: Who is your woman crush?

            Mila Kunis     


HC: What has been your most memorable experience thus far at UNCW?

            Probably Fall Getaway 2012. It’s a retreat that Campus Crusade takes, and it was my first trip here at UNCW. That is where I met a lot of my friends.