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Campus Cutie, Bruno Rose

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Name: Bruno Rose

Major/ Minor: Graduated with a double major in Theatre and Film (Honors) with a minor in French 

Position at UNCW: Administration Assistant and Project Coordinator | Housing and Residence Life

Hometown: From Chapel Hill/Carrboro, NC

Relationship status: Single

Bruno Rose is a graduate of UNCW who stuck around to work for Housing and Residence Life. Simultanesouly, he is an actor who is actively pursuing a career on the screen.


Favorite food- WINGS WINGS WINGS, oh and Pad Thai.

Favorite Movie- Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Favorite Musician- Rihanna

Favorite Place Visited- Avignon, France

HC: Before graduating, what were you involved with on campus?

BR: Orientation Leader for two years (Bruno’s Badgers that Like Honey); I was involved in HRL as a Resident Assistant and Desk Receptionist. Actor in six UNCW theatrical productions and a few student short films. I hosted Dub Idol, Hawk It Out, Physical Grafeeti Showcase, the AGD AMM Dance Showcase, and a few other events as well as be a member of the High Seas Men’s A Cappella group my freshman and sophomore year.

HC:What does your position at housing entail?​

BR: My position at housing is basically a do-it-all position. Anything they need me to do, I will do it. However, I have coordinated multiple big projects, such as the EBI Benchmarking survey sent out in the Spring, which was a big success with roughly 1800 on campus students completing the survey. I also created the 2016 Move-in T-shirts and coordinated all of the uniform orders for the Housing Department.

HC: Describe your perfect date?​

BR: The perfect date has to have a little adventure and unexpected happenings. Dinner and a movie is cool, but dinner and exploration is even better. Starting off at a coffee shop, then getting dinner, and ending it sitting on the edge of an abandoned bridge, and exploring some ruins is probably the most fun date I’ve planned thus far.

HC: Describe the worst date you have been on?​

BR: It’s not even that it was the worst date, but holy crap was this person boring. The worst kind of date is going on a date with a boring person. Don’t do it. The conversation drags, and it doesn’t matter if you’re in a coffee shop, or sky diving. If they’re boring, the date will be lackluster.

HC: What is your biggest turn off?​

BR: My biggest turn off are rude people (especially if they’re rude to waitresses), and people who only have nothing but negative things to say or complain about.

HC: What advice do you have for those trying to date in college?​

BR: For those of you who are trying to date in college, just be chill, relaxed, and go with the flow. If you stress out about the relationship prospects then it’s just going to blow out the flame before it even gets sparked. Sometimes people come and go in your life quickly, and sometimes they stay for longer. It’s all part of life, so just embrace it and live YOUR life. Don’t change your life for anyone but yourself. People will like you for you and if they don’t they shouldn’t be in your life anyways. You’ll find someone when it’s the right time. So just live life, and have fun. Also…don’t slut shame.


[Photo courtesy to Bruno Rose]

A junior at UNC Wilmington double majoring in English-Professional Writing and Communication Studies, Casey aspires to work in the field of journalism post-grad. Not only is she Co-Campus Correspondent, but she is also the Editor in Chief of her school's paper, is a writing tutor and has an obsession with early twentieth century American literature.