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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Name: Abbi Hoover

Major: Communication Studies

Hometown: Brooklyn, Michigan

Age: 19

Relationship Status: Single


Abbi Hoover, a Michigan native, moved to North Carolina for UNCW, the great weather, and of course, the beach. After living here for almost two years, she has adapted to her new environment and really loves the people she has met in Wilmington. She enjoys trying news things, and she never backs away from a challenge. Abbi tries to live her life by remembering this quote, “The challenge is in the chase, the joy is in the journey.” These words help Abbi keep her goals in sight, and remind her to always live life to its fullest.


HC: Why did you choose to come to UNCW?

AH: To get out of my tiny town, and experience something totally different and new. The beach was just an added bonus.


HC: What do you like to do on the weekends?

AH: On the weekends I’m usually doing something crazy and fun with my roommates, who also happen to be my best friends.


HC: What do you look for in a guy?

AH: I look for a guy who is easy-going, can make me laugh and can connect with me on things I enjoy doing, like working out.


HC: What does your ideal date look like?

AH: My ideal date would involve trying new things. Learning how to make sushi, or something like that would be cool.


HC: What do you plan to do after college?

AH: After college I see myself doing something involving public relations or possibly even broadcasting. I would also love to incorporate my love of yoga, and my skills as a personal trainer, in addition to my actual job.