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Campus Celeb: Hannah Boone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Name: Hannah Boone

Major: Communication Studies with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Age: 20

Hometown: Winston-Salem, NC

Instagram Handle: @hhboone


Her Campus: What are you involved with on campus?

Hannah Boone: Throughout my experience at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, I have devoted my time to Delight Ministries, Housing and Residence Life, Office of Admissions, Transition Programs, and National Residence Hall Honorary.


HC: What made you want to do all of those things?

HB: Before my freshmen year started, I knew I wanted to be involved on campus. For me, that involvement started directly in the classroom with my professors and classmates. My involvement then transferred into my residence hall, clubs, organizations, and leadership positions. Overall, Jesus guided my footsteps and I followed where He was leading me to serve. My willingness to say “yes,” has ultimately given a true sense of community at UNCW.


HC: What is your favorite thing about all the leadership positions you have held?

HB: Easy, the people. I have been so abundantly blessed with all the people God has placed in my path.  I have been able to know and love so many beautiful souls during my time here in Wilmington. Whether I am serving my peers as an RA, leading incoming students around our campus as an OL, working behind a desk as a Guest Relations Specialist, or chasing after the heart of Jesus with my Delight girls I have come in contact with the most genuine, encouraging friends. Cultivating those relationships is by far my favorite thing about being a Seahawk.

HC: What are you most proud of?

HB: I am most proud of being my parent’s daughter. If you know Joe and Mary Boone you know love, laughter, and all things good in the world. My parents are selfless and love me unconditionally. They instilled in me the importance of family, they taught me how to treat people with respect and dignity, and they showed me what a life of happiness looks like.


HC: What is your favorite part of being an RA?

HB: First and foremost, I will say that nothing compares to being a Resident Assistant. In one word, I would say my favorite part of being an RA is growth. Growth within my residents and growth within myself. I have been able to walk through life with some of my residents since their freshmen year. I hear their concerns and their worries, but then I also get to celebrate with them in all life’s victories. How special is it that I get to eat, sleep, and live at my job?! This position is such a gift. Over the past two years, I have experienced myself going through immense seasons of growth. “If ya ain’t growin’ you’re dyin’”- Andrew Murray, Residence Coordinator for Seahawk Landing

HC: What have you always dreamed of doing?

HB: Traveling Europe has been a dream of mine for years! I am so excited to say that this dream of mine is actually coming into fruition during the Summer of 2019! I will be living in Switzerland next summer and I am beyond pumped for this upcoming adventure. I really didn’t know if going to Europe was going to be a possibility for me, but God always fulfills His promises. The story of how this dream became a reality is wild so if you want to hear more I would be overjoyed to share it with you! On the other hand, if anyone will be in Europe next summer and you want a travel buddy please reach out to me!


HC: I saw that you are in a music video for a student on campus. What was that like and how did you get involved?

HB: YES!! I’m so happy to hear that you’ve seen it. For everyone that hasn’t seen it yet, go to YouTube and type in “Get Right – Rebels No Savage.” The two rappers of Rebels No Savage are Basil Williams (@_kingbasil) and Evan Shanks (@birkenstockdino). These two are actually UNCW students! The three of us were Orientation Leaders during the 2017 academic year. This past summer, I had been listening to the song “Get Right” on repeat. Finally, I reached out to Basil and Evan to tell them how proud I was of the song and everything they were doing on the music scene. Two weeks later Basil messaged me about being in the music video, but I honestly thought that I was going to be someone at the very end just hyping someone else up. Then Kara Goodson, a mutual friend between the three of us, told me that I was THE girl in the library. It was so much fun dancing around and just acting a fool with those guys. Probably one of the highlights of my UNCW career.

[Photos courtesy of Hannah Boone]

Julie is a positive senior from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She is an inspiring travel journalist who is double majoring in Communication Studies and International Studies along with having a minor in Spanish. With a lot on her plate you can always catch her in the library or stress knitting in her apartment while bing-watching "Queer Eye" or "Parks and Rec".