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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Name: Brennen Brown

Year: Sophmore

Major: Operations Management

Hometown: Huntersville, NC

Relationship Status: ~Single~

Brennen, right


Fast Facts

Favorite food: Cookout

Favorite movie: Wolf of Wall Street or Step Brothers

Favorite sports: Lacrosse, football, and basketball


HC: What are you involved in on campus?

BB: Alpha Sigma Phi, Club Lacrosse, and I’m a Residents Assistant in Galloway Hall.


HC: What do you love most about UNCW?

BB: My brothers and all the opportunity I’ve had here.


HC: Which actor would you choose to play you in a movie?

BB: Zac Efron–my look-a-like.


HC: Describe your perfect date.

BB: A nice dinner and a good make out sounds good to me.


HC: Tell me something most people don’t know about you.

BB: An ostriche almost took my finger when I was eight.


HC: What are three things you look for in a girl?

BB: Beautiful, relatable personality, and bonus points if she’s religious


HC: What is your biggest turn off?

BB: Girls that could probably kick my a**.


HC: And last but not least, what is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

BB: Constantly invest in yourself.


Photo courtesy of Brennen.

Gabriella is a twenty-something Floridian who has taken her love of waterfront living and sandy toes to Wilmington, NC! When she's not imprinting her body frame on the beach or stocking up on excessive jars of peanut butter, Gabriella can be found in the lines of Dunkin Donuts scrolling through Pinterest in the search of the perfect apartment decor. Her dream profession is to work for a women's magazine with an emphasis on millennial empowerment. Follow her on Twitter, @gabby_dionisio!