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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

At UNCW, the best place to hang out with your friends to have fun or study is hands-down the beach, only fifteen minutes away from campus. You can catch a wave or just lay out on your favorite beach towel. No matter what, I always seem to forget something back at my dorm! Here are the five best things to take to the beach that you might not have thought about.

A Sand-Free Mat

I have one of these with me every time I go to the beach and it is so nice! When I decide to leave, I can just pick up my mat, give it a quick shake, and all the sand falls right off of it. It is great to not bring back a ton of sand to my dorm.

A Sand Remover

My roommate introduced me to this pouch and I swear it’s magical! When you dry off and you’re covered in sand, just put some of this powder wherever the sand is and it falls right off! No more finding sand stuck to you two showers later!

A Portable Speaker

I don’t know about you, but music makes everything better. Whenever I go to the beach I love to bring my portable speaker to play some music while I’m hanging out with my friends. Depending on the mood, we’ll play anything from current pop songs to old Disney hits!

A Waterproof Bag

This is an absolute must for me! I hate getting sand stuck in my phone and wallet, so I always bring a small waterproof bag to put them in. It keeps all the pesky sand out and protects my important items from potential splashes or rain too. It also keeps all of my items in one place so they’re easy to find.

A Fun Game

I made it my goal a couple years back to always have a frisbee in my car in case I ever got bored with my friends and we wanted something to throw around. If frisbee isn’t your thing, you could always bring a volleyball, cards, or even that super popular game Spikeball. It’s just really great to have something extra to do in case you don’t just want to sit on the beach.

On your next trip to the beach, grab one of these extras in addition to your towel and sunscreen! They make beach visits easy and fun! If you want to make it even easier on yourself, designate one bag to be your beach bag and keep all your supplies in it so when you decide to go you can just grab your bag and head out!

Iowa girl living in North Carolina