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Amber Frost, Campus Cutie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Name:  Amber Frost

Age:  20

Year:  Sophomore

Hometown:  Garner, NC

Major:  Communication Studies and English

Relationship Status:  Single as a Pringle


Meet sophomore Amber Frost! This cutie is sure to make you smile with her hilarious personality and sweet spirit. Read on to learn more about her life at UNCW, plans to become the next Mindy Kaling, and so much more!    


HC:  What is the best part about being a student at UNCW?

AF:  I think the best part is getting to experience the unpredictability of Wilmington’s weather.  


HC:  Are you involved in any clubs or organizations on campus?

AF:  Yes! I’m in Sigma Alpha Omega, Communication Studies Society, Overflow at PC3, and I’m a Desk Receptionist (the best job ever).


HC:  How are you involved in your sorority?

AF:  I am the sunshine sister which means that I show encouragement to sisters who might be under stress or difficult times and I recognize sisters for their hard work in the sorority. These sisters might get a little gift from me like flowers or cupcakes just to show that we care and love them. I was also just voted as candidate mentor for our upcoming recruitment!


HC:  Describe your dream job!

AF:  My dream job is to follow in Mindy Kaling’s footsteps and one day write for NBC.


HC: Any hobbies?

AF:  I guess I ‘gotta make up some hobbies! I like to write, I like to online shop, but most of the time I’m just putting things in the cart and then closing the tab because I’m too poor to actually buy anything. Oh, and I like to read, too!


HC:  What qualities do you look for in a guy?

AF:  I feel like my dream guy would be Aziz Ansari. He has to have a passion for loving people and loving Christ. BUT, if he is as funny as Aziz, that’s a plus. If he understands my sense of humor then that works too.


HC:  What is your ideal date?

AF:  My ideal date would be to go to dinner somewhere fun like Hibachi or the Melting Pot and then find out that they have all the same Netflix preferences that I do because that’s ideal. It’s important to ask you dates about their Netflix preferences because I find that if they differ too much from your own, it won’t work out in the end.


HC:  What are you afraid of and why?

AF:  I’m afraid of killing another turtle because over Easter break, there was a turtle in the middle of the road and I tried to miss it, but I didn’t because it was too big! Then in my rearview I saw his guts go everywhere and now when I see a picture of turtle I feel guilty or that I’m going to hurt them. It’s a real problem that I have to get over!


HC:  What (or who) is your spirit animal?

AF:  Mindy Kaling and Aziz Ansari. I have this weird suspicion that I was supposed to be born Indian, only I wasn’t.


HC:  Do you have any favorite quotes?

AF:  “Females are strong as hell” – Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt