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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Starting college is an amazing experience and it takes a little getting used to. Here are a few things freshman are known for, so don’t worry you’re not the only one.


1. Dress up for class

You haven’t quite got the memo yet that it is totally acceptable to roll out of bed wearing what you slept in and walk to class. Don’t worry, soon enough you will realize it is okay to look homeless on occasion.


2. Overly prepared for all of your classes

You probably cleaned out Office Depot’s supply on pencils, pens, highlighters binders, and spiral notebooks because in high school you could never have enough school supplies.


3. Have your campus map with you at all times

Learning a new campus lay out can be difficult, thank goodness for maps and the extra touristy feel they give you. In time you won’t have to ask someone where your class is every time you leave your dorm.



4. Travel in large groups…EVERYWHERE

The more the merrier! Come one come all we’re going to the dining hall! If you see a herd of people approaching you it’s almost safe to say they are learning the ropes of the college experience.



5. Wear your lanyards everywhere you go

Your lanyard has become your new wallet, you can carry your one card and room key all in the same place.


6. Raise your hand to ask to go to the bathroom

Welcome to college where you’re allowed to leave the class to use the restroom without asking for permission. You can just smell the freedom!



7. You are appalled by how late the night’s festivities start

That’s right…tonight’s party starts later than your high school curfew!


8. You haven’t gotten tired of the dining hall food yet

Buffet style?! This is heaven! Don’t worry…pretty soon you will realize dining hall food is actually scary and you’ll be begging for mom’s home cooked food.


9. You sign up for every club possible

Good luck with that freshies, I can barely feed myself on a daily basis let alone attend club meetings and events.


If you liked this article, click here to check out our article about ways to upscale your college dorm or apartment!


Cover photo found at quickmeme.com.

Sophomore at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Business and Marketing Major with a Psychology Minor