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7 Times Your Mom Was So Unbelievably Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

As we have all learned, moms have the most incredible sense when it comes to just about anything and everything going on in our lives. They know which boy or girl isn’t right for us and can instantly predict the friends who will or will not be there for us in the long run. Throughout our teenage years, we put on this rebellious I-don’t-need-mom front, but as we entered college, we soon realized just how crucial all those things were that she said and warned us against. Just to name a few, here are the 7 times our moms were so unbelievably right.


Photo courtesy of vulture.com.


1. When she said that boy was no good for you.

You know the boy you claimed to love? What about the time your mom said he wasn’t going to be a positive influence? Remember when he broke your heart? Yeah, me too. Moms always know whether or not the person we’re interested in is someone who is good for us.


2. When she told you those “bestfriends” didn’t have your best interest at heart.

On a personal note, when I was entering high school, my mom suggested that I try to break away from the girls I had been hanging out with. Of course, I didn’t listen. And, of course, I’m no longer friends with half of the girls I used to think were my lifelong friends.


3. When she told you to always follow your gut.

I found this to be most helpful when I was making my college decision. She told me to block out everyone’s opinion, listen to what my heart was telling me, and run in the direction of my dreams. A few months later and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. I owe that to you, Momma.


4. When she reminded you that your college years are your time to be as selfish as you want.

This does not mean you have free reign to be a bitch whenever you want or lack any sort of compassion. It simply means that these precious college years are your time to do what you want, be who you wish to become, and take hold of every single opportunity that comes your way.


5. When she said you should let your pants air dry.

Do you want to know what’s worse than wiggling your way into skinny jeans? Wiggling your way into skinny jeans that have shrunk. Save the dreaded, “What did I eat this weekend?” and for the love of God, do not put any sort of pants in the dryer.


6. When she told you that great things happen to those who work their asses off.

In college, it’s so easy to procrastinate because, well, Netflix, parties, and sleep. But the reality is you will always reap the benefits of studying days in advance, putting in extra work at the gym, and seeking help when you don’t understand something in class.


7. When she made it known that no matter how badly you screw up, she will always love you unconditionally.

We’ve all had those few moments when we were absolutely terrified to go to our moms for something; but when we did, we found that she did not judge, forgave you, and provided you with the best possible advice. And let’s be real: There is nothing better than hugging your mom after a bad day, decision, or just in general.


To all the Mommas of college students, you are so loved and appreciated! Thank you for always believing in us, cheering us on, and being the best friend we could ask for.

Gabriella is a twenty-something Floridian who has taken her love of waterfront living and sandy toes to Wilmington, NC! When she's not imprinting her body frame on the beach or stocking up on excessive jars of peanut butter, Gabriella can be found in the lines of Dunkin Donuts scrolling through Pinterest in the search of the perfect apartment decor. Her dream profession is to work for a women's magazine with an emphasis on millennial empowerment. Follow her on Twitter, @gabby_dionisio!