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7 Things Every College Student Experiences When They Go Home For Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Thanksgiving is finally upon us, and for many college students, that means traveling home, spending quality time with your family, and of course, indulging in excess amounts of food. While everyone has their own unique traditions that accompany Turkey Day, there are some aspects that are just par for the course when you’re a college student. Whether you’re from New York, California or somewhere in between, there’s no escaping these seven common situations that every college student experiences when home for Thanksgiving.

Heading home after your last class before break.

Okay, I’ll admit it: as a college student, I’m excited when I’m able to make it through class without falling asleep on a regular day. But walking out of your last class, knowing you’ll have 3 full days of freedom and a whole lot of food waiting for you at home? Now that’s cause for celebration!

Feeling blessed when you see your pet dog/cat/bird/hamster for the first time in forever.

You’ve been at school for weeks, maybe even months. There is no end in sight. The only thing keeping you going? The thought of finally being reunited with your favorite furry friend! Whether your pal is a dog, a cat, a snake (okay, technically snakes aren’t furry, but you get the point) or another creature, there’s no better feeling than coming home and being greeted by, let’s be real: your true soulmate.

Getting to see your family.

Maybe you attend college close to home, or maybe your university and your home state are on opposite sides of the country. Either way, it’s easy to forget how nice it is to be in your own home, spending quality time with your family. Yes, they can get on your nerves sometimes, but what else would family do? Bring on the dad jokes and mom’s homemade cooking, it’s family bonding time!

Being asked for the millionth time what you’re doing with your life. 

“So what do you want to do when you graduate?” Trust me, Aunt Linda, if I knew, so would you. Believe me, there is nothing more I want in this world than to be able to answer that question. Aside from the select few of us who have been on the same career path since the womb, the rest of us unfortunate souls have no clue what we want to do after graduation. Heck, most of us don’t even know what we’re having for dinner tonight. If there’s one thing every university student knows to be true, it’s that being asked what the future holds for us is about the worst part of being home for the holidays.

Watching the family drama unfold as all of your relatives arrive.

Did two people accidentally bring the same dish? Did your uncle burn the sweet potatoes? Are your cousins fighting over who’s the favorite grandchild? No matter who you are, there’s bound to be a little tension when the whole fam gets together, which can require some *strategic avoidance.* Then again, would it really be Thanksgiving without a healthy serving of family drama?

Being stuck at the kids’ table for yet another year.

It seems like no matter how old you get, you’re always going to sit at the kids’ table. What a way to be welcomed home! Ok, so maybe you’re young at heart. But you know what? You’ve paid your dues, and you’ve EARNED your place at the adults’ table. I don’t care if the conversation is boring or if I have to sit up straight, move over Aunt Linda, it’s my time to shine! (And by shine, I mean sip my glass of sparkling grape juice amongst *verified* adults).

And finally, eating your first bite of turkey and remembering what real food tastes like.

As much as I love having the option of eating Chick-Fil-A every other day (or every day, there are no rules!!), there’s something about the taste of homemade cuisine that makes you miss the finer things in life. As college students, it’s rare that we get to enjoy a nice, home-cooked meal. That, combined with our internal organs screaming for something other than fast-food, makes for a glorious reunion with real cooking.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! 


*Disclaimer: Aunt Linda is not based on a real person.*

Elena is a friendly senior at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She is currently majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Spanish. When she's not in class or napping, you can catch Elena working out at the gym, binge-watching medical dramas, or indulging her caffeine addiction at a local coffee shop.