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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

1. Robber

This is a super easy costume to replicate. Just pull out a pair of black pants and find a black and white and pair with a cute pair of booties or boots to pull the outfit all together. For the most part, all of the items for this costume can be found in your everyday closet, making it simple and affordable!


2. M&Ms

This is a super simple way to do a group costume with a few of your friends! If you are artistic, you could simply buy a large t-shirt and paint the M&M’s logo on the front and call it a day! If you are not artistic just like me, you might want to buy a shirt online.


3. Mario and Luigi

Once again, this is a great friends costume or dynamic duo idea for any Halloween event you may be attending this holiday. You can easily use a green or red shirt from your closet, grab some suspenders and a pair of jean shorts, and call it a day! To change it up, you could make your own signs with M and L to represent your character!


4. Ice Cream Cone

This costume is a fun way to design yourself! It allows you to get creative and make an outfit that is exciting and unique!


5. Russell From Up

Being a boy or girl scout is a pretty simple and fun costume for all things Halloween! The character Russell from Up is a unique and creative idea for dressing up this holiday!


6. Popcorn

This costume is a more do-it-yourself kind of project. So, if you enjoy a little crafting project this would be great for you! If you can find a fun pin-striped, red and white skirt and then make a fun top this would be a fun and unique look!


7. Forrest Gump & Jenny

This is one of my favorite couple costumes based off one of my absolute favorite movies! It is creative, and everyone will know exactly what you are! 


Photo sources: thumbnail, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Sophomore at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Business and Marketing Major with a Psychology Minor