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6 Ideas for Your New Year’s Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

The year is quickly coming to an end. Among other anxieties (final exams, papers, presentations) many people think and plan their new year’s resolution. New diets, relationship dynamics, jobs and many other goals run the gamut of many of our new year’s resolutions.

This year, I’m here to tell you a new year’s resolution I think will improve everyone’s life: self-care! It’s talked about a lot, but it’s worth repeating. It’s something that gets neglected too often. This isn’t to say that yours needs to be that “severe” but poor mental health is like poor physical health: it wears on you.

With that being said, here are some things you can always look forward to doing a new year (or any year really!)

Get Some Sleep

Sleep is so important! Everyone says that, but it’s true. The average young adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Studies show that getting less sleep reduces productivity, which means you’re not going to do as well on that assignment you’re staying up until 2 a.m. to complete! Study, yes, but don’t forget to sleep!

Eat for Fuel 

Just like sleeping, eating is a necessity in life that’s often skipped. It’s so important to eat, especially foods loaded with nutrition. Not only will it help with studying, but it will also help with your overall energy levels! Food is fuel, after all.

Move Throughout the Day

There are so many benefits to exercising, and exercise is essentially just movement! I try to move throughout the day, even if that’s just walking around campus. Make it easy, make it quick, make it fun and—most importantly—make it doable!

Schedule Some Me-Time

Everyone says this, but it’s true: spending time with yourself is so important. I’ve actually made a list of things I enjoy doing in my free time. It really helps to center me and enjoy life.

Hang Out with Friends

This doesn’t contradict the above; you need social interaction like you need to spend time with yourself. Make sure you are spending time with people who are good for you, people who feed you and help you become the best you (and vice versa).

Just Live

I am guilty of constantly counting down the days, looking at what I have planned next week and so on. I’m so rarely in the moment, but the times I have been, I loved it. You’re not in the state of mindfulness all the time, but try to get there at least once a day.

Hawaii Girl Happy Explore Jacket Beach Adventure
Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus
Everyone’s new year’s resolution is going to be different. Whatever yours is, I hope you will consider some of the suggestions listed above. If you get nothing else out of this article, I hope you take the time to do what you really want to in life.

Fairley Lloyd is a graduate of the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and a Certificate in Publishing. She is just learning about astrological signs but is 100% sure that she's an Aries. In addition to writing, she enjoys reading, dancing, crafting, and doing anything creative.