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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Is it me, or have these last few months flown by? It seems like just yesterday we were scrambling for last-minute Halloween costumes, and now we’re just weeks away from the new year. Crazy, right?!

Anyway, now that Thanksgiving is over, we can officially begin celebrating the best time of the year—the Christmas season! (Let’s be real, though. I’ve been celebrating Christmas since the beginning of October).

Holiday-themed drinks, Christmas movies, cozy sweaters — I dare you to name a more exciting time of year. You can’t.

While it’s easy to get caught up in everything we love about the holidays, though, it is also a season of giving. I personally can get so distracted with all of the excitement around Christmas that I am only focused on myself. We often become enthralled with all of the holiday treats and presents we have on our wish-lists that we end up focusing on ourselves during a season that should be about giving to others. So, here’s a list of five ways you can give back to others during the holiday season! 


Instead of asking for presents, ask people to donate to a charity on your behalf.

This is my favorite way to give back during the holidays. Instead of focusing on what you want, direct people’s attention towards those who need it!

Use Amazon Smile.

Amazon Smile makes it super easy to donate to others. Since so many people do their holiday shopping on Amazon, sign up with Amazon Smile and a portion of every purchase you make will be donated to a charity of your choice!

Put together a gift box for Operation Christmas Child.

Sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child allows people to put together gift boxes for children who will not be receiving Christmas gifts. By following the directions on their website, you can either shop for and pack your own box or build one online if you don’t have time to shop!

Pay it forward.

While you’re in line at Starbucks or ordering food in the drive-thru, go ahead and pay for the person behind you. It might not seem like a lot, but paying for someone else’s coffee or food could be just the thing they need that day.

Give away some gift cards.

The next time you’re at Target or TJ Maxx or wherever else you do your shopping, buy a few $5 or $10 gift cards and give them out to people you interact with. Whether it’s your usual Starbucks barista or your neighbor, handing out a gift card is a simple and easy way to give to others during the holidays.

Elena is a friendly senior at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She is currently majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Spanish. When she's not in class or napping, you can catch Elena working out at the gym, binge-watching medical dramas, or indulging her caffeine addiction at a local coffee shop.