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5 Reasons Why You Should Go Through Spring Recruitment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Tis the season for Spring Recruitment! Whatever the reason may be for your decision to join Greek Life, I hope you know that you are making a wonderful decision. As a freshman who went through recruitment in the fall, I understand the emotional rollercoaster associated with this process. You feel intimidated, nervous, and self-conscious; but nonetheless, EXCITED. As you begin this journey, I want to give you peace of mind and do my best to calm any anxiety you may have for the next few weeks. From a girl who was in your shoes less than four months ago, here are the 5 reasons I am incredibly thankful I went Greek.


1. Recruitment gives you the opportunity to speak to girls you never would have had the chance to otherwise.

And sure, you are not going to connect with every sorority woman you talk to, but that’s totally okay! You will, however, get the chance to meet someone new, learn a little bit about her, why she decided to join a sorority, and maybe even find a really cool new friend.



2. You meet people who share similar life experiences and values.

Whether you grew up in a strong Christian household or come from a broken family, you will meet girls who have been in very similar situations and share your same beliefs. When you and one of your sisters familiarize in this way, embrace it. One my favorite things about my sorority has been the chance to connect with girls who understand me on that level and accept me.


3. You meet girls who come from completely different backgrounds.  

When you put a group of over 100 girls in a room, what do you get? And no, the answer is not a cat fight. You get diversity! I love getting to learn about my sisters and their lives because no two girls are the same. Everyone has had different experiences, life events, and challenges; but the beauty of each of those, is that they all led us to each other.



4. Never again will you have to question what outfit you should wear.

This may sound silly, but we have all been there. And let’s be real, half the battle of going out or getting ready for a function is figuring out what to wear. Whether it be shoes, jewelry, or jeans, you always have another set of eyes to help you determine what to wear or what not to wear.

5. Say goodbye to the fear of not making friends

…and say hello to a group of women who will love and support you through anything. On a personal note, my transition to college was and still is rough. My parents are my favorite people in the world and being away from them is horrible. But joining a sorority has allowed me to meet people who make being away from home that much easier. I am constantly surrounded by laughter, encouragement, and friendship. My sisters are the closest thing I have to my biological family, and I know that I would be a mess without them.


Be thankful that you took the leap to join an organization that will undoubtedly change your life forever. Set aside your fear of fitting in and be yourself. My last piece of advice is to embrace the journey of finding your home because before you know it, you’ll be on the other side of the process recruiting girls to find theirs.

All photos courtesy of giphy.com.
Gabriella is a twenty-something Floridian who has taken her love of waterfront living and sandy toes to Wilmington, NC! When she's not imprinting her body frame on the beach or stocking up on excessive jars of peanut butter, Gabriella can be found in the lines of Dunkin Donuts scrolling through Pinterest in the search of the perfect apartment decor. Her dream profession is to work for a women's magazine with an emphasis on millennial empowerment. Follow her on Twitter, @gabby_dionisio!