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5 Myths About Your Freshman Year of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Whether you stay close to home or go off somewhere out-of-state or out of the country, college can be terrifying. What can be even more terrifying is all the crazy things you hear about what happens freshman year before you even start. Don’t get caught up in the fear of the unknown, and read some of these first-year myths before you even start out.


Myth #1: The “Freshman 15” will hit you like a brick wall.

You will gain some weight your freshman year, but not necessarily as much as people make it out to be. Don’t get too caught up in the crazy college life that you forget to eat right and stay healthy.


Myth #2: Your roommate will be your BFF.

Although she may be your first friend, chances are your roommate will not be your best friend throughout your college years, and that’s okay.


Myth #3: Skipping class is no big deal.

Go to class. It’s important. That’s all.


Myth #4: You won’t miss home at all.

While college life is fun and exciting, you will miss home. It’s okay to go home every once and a while and visit. (And take showers in your own shower.)


Myth #5: College dorm rooms are awful.

While you may be sharing a small room and bathroom with other girls, college dorms are a good way to get to know other people and make friends your first year.


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Kayla is a freshman at UNCW majoring in communication and minoring in journalism.