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11 Hard Truths You Learn the First Month of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Just as many incoming freshman do prior to move-in day, I read every article I could find about adjusting to college. I read and read until I felt confident that my first few weeks away from home would be smooth sailing. But, ironically, no article could have prepared me for the first month as a college freshman. This is a time spent growing, learning, and making mistakes, and to be honest I wouldn’t have it any other way. As promised, here are 11 hard truths no one tells you about the first month of college.  


1. You go to UNCW and forgot to take a rain jacket or an umbrella to class? Oh, you only did it once? Same. Who would have thought it was possible that a beautiful day could turn into a monsoon within minutes?


2. Depending on your meal plan, you have a certain amount of Teal Meals per week. I say this because my roommate and I thought you had that number for the entire semester, and we strategically planned when we were going to use those meals. We learned to laugh it off eventually.


3. The people you sit with at Wag your second day of classes will not become your cool new college besties. They probably don’t even remember your name, but let’s be honest–you don’t remember theirs either.


4. Speaking of food, remember when all your friends came back from college last year and were a little heavier than you last recalled? Weight gain totally happens in college. But who doesn’t love midnight Cookout runs and being able to order pizza to your dorm? You only have an 18-year-old metabolism once–take full advantage of it.


5. Unless you took intense AP classes in high school, you are going to get hit in the face with the amount of assigned readings you’re given. Try your best not to become overwhelmed and invest in a planner ASAP.


6. Your professors won’t question when you’re not in class or hold your hand when you fall behind. However, they will teach you with admirable passion and may even ignite an interest in a subject you never thought you’d like.


7. Living with people who aren’t your family is weird; and yes, the first few days will be a little awkward and uncomfortable…


…but the pretty great thing is, these people can become your closest friends if you stay open minded and make an effort to truly get to know your new neighbors.



8. You know those movies with big dorm rooms and beautiful bathrooms? It’s a lie. A big lie that will make you want to cry after the first few times you shower in a space meant for actual midgets.


9. Being homesick is real and you’re going to get upset. And if you’re anything like me, you will cry everywhere. You’ll cry in the library, on the way to class, or even during rounds when you’re going through recruitment…. It happens to the best of us.


10. You will never appreciate how much your parents did for you until you sleep through your 8 am, have no food in your fridge, or just really don’t want to do your laundry.


11. The first month of college will be spent getting horribly lost around campus and making mistakes you’re probably afraid to tell your mom. But it’s okay; every negative experience is followed by a valuable lesson. Learn from it, grow because of it, and embrace everything that comes with being the clueless freshman.



All GIFs/images courtesy of giphy.com.

Gabriella is a twenty-something Floridian who has taken her love of waterfront living and sandy toes to Wilmington, NC! When she's not imprinting her body frame on the beach or stocking up on excessive jars of peanut butter, Gabriella can be found in the lines of Dunkin Donuts scrolling through Pinterest in the search of the perfect apartment decor. Her dream profession is to work for a women's magazine with an emphasis on millennial empowerment. Follow her on Twitter, @gabby_dionisio!