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10 Thoughts You Have While Trying To Find Parking On Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

So you think the hardest part about college is making it to class? You, my friends, would be wrong. Driving to campus isn’t an issue, it’s finding parking and making it to class on time that’s the hardest. The struggle to find parking on campus is real. Here is some insight into the thoughts some students may have attempting to find parking without getting a ticket. 


1. You have class at 11 a.m. and leave twenty minutes early from your place because it’s always raining in Wilmington and you want a good spot to park. 


2. You go straight to the library just to see if you get lucky enough that someone is reversing the same time as you’re pulling in…which never happens. 


3. Rolling your eyes, you go to lot number two right next to the library. You find a spot but a jerk in a beat up Volkswagen takes it from you, not caring one bit. 




5. It’s okay, it’s okay. You think you’ll just create your own parking spot. 


6. You contemplate parking in yellow lines but your fear of getting a ticket stops you. 


7. YES, PRAISE THE LORD! Finally, after countless laps, a person is walking to their car and gives you the nod telling you the spot is yours. 


8. By now it’s 10:50 a.m. and you have ten minutes to get to your class in the Teaching Lab. 


9. And you’re power walking. Wow, great parking as a senior. 


10. You contemplate working out but scratch that because there’s negative parking at the Rec Center.