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10 Things Only People With Curly Hair Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

The same hair routine leads to different results every time 

Surprisingly enough, no matter how many times you think you’ve perfected your hair routine with the wash, rinse, dry, deep condition, style, or whatever you do, the curls dry differently every. single. time. Do we understand why? No. Do we go along with it and hope for the best? Absolutely. Whatever man, I just let it do its own thing now. 

Always using more than a dime-sized amount of conditioner

Using the recommended amount of conditioner from the hair salon? As Cher Horowitz from Clueless would say best, “Ugh! As if!”. 

Never brushing your hair 

Yes, really, we never brush our hair. Please stop asking to borrow our brush because I can assure you, we do not own one. 

The importance of a leave-in conditioner

Curly hair is naturally drier than other hair types. For us, we need all the moisture we can get. 


Frizz. No further explanation needed. Especially in the hot summer months on the nice and humid rainy days. It’s the best.

Realizing how soft and long your hair actually is when it’s straightened 

On the rare occasion we get the luxury of having our hair blown out or when we borrow our bestie’s hair straightener, we are always in awe of what our hair looks and feels like without the curls. Not to mention the struggle of keeping our hair as dry as possible while it’s straight, because any amount of moisture will bounce it right back. 

Do. Not. Touch.

Every non-curly haired person I’ve ever met seems to have such a fascination with my curls and INSISTS on touching or feeling it. This is a BIG no-no. Don’t anger the beast.

The commitment to the ponytail

I wear my hair down almost everyday now, but once it’s up, it’s up. There’s no coming back down after the ponytail. 

The trial and error with what hair products work best  

I can’t even tell you how much time and money I’ve spent through the years trying to find my holy grail hair product. I’ve tried everything from drugstore products to higher end hair care, and I still haven’t figured it out. So, if any of my curly haired babes have advice, I’m all ears. 

The instant bond you feel to anyone with curly hair 

Seriously, after I turned 12 and realized that my hair would be curly for the rest of my life, I felt an instant connection to anyone that I saw with curly hair. Finally, someone who understands my daily struggle! 

Emily Devine is a Marketing major at UNCW graduating in May 2023. Originally from Connecticut, Emily moved to North Carolina to pursue her college education and take advantage of the gorgeous surrounding areas. Her passion for wellness and self-improvement led her to become a member of Her Campus, where she is inspired to share her experiences through creative writing and to positively impact others.