Formal is approaching and you are probably getting anxiety about how you are going to ask that perfect guy. It can be nerve racking! Especially if you have had a crush on him for like … ever. You already have the perfect dress, to go along with the theme, now you need that perfect accessory to make the night one for the books. Here are some ways to ask your guy to formal! 1. Scavenger hunt: It is a way to be creative, while showing him your fun side. He will be so excited that you put all the effort and time into making this, how could he say no! You could get a poster bored; write something cute like, “Formal with your matching puzzle piece?” Cut it up into puzzle pieces, and then write clues on the back of each piece. Hide them around campus, according to what your clues say, then surprise him that he is about to go on an adventure with you! When he puts all the pieces together, he will, for sure, say yes! 2. Craft a mini paddle for him: If he is in a fraternity, he will surely appreciate this one. Buy a miniature paddle and decorate it according to what his favorite movie or sport is. In little block letters; spell out a cute quote from the movie. Or, if you like the sport idea, make up something clever like a rhyme that goes along with that sport. He will surely cherish this gift and will see that you’re truly special. Go for it!
3. Make a mixed song: This one is self-explanatory, mix a bunch of songs together of reasons why you’re the perfect formal date. For this one, you should be funny. If you’re too serious he might get freaked out, and never talk to you again. Trust me, I have seen it happen! My favorite thing to do is to put something a little dirty in there because it makes guys laugh no matter what. There are about, oh, I don’t know, a billion songs out there to pick from! Start mixing! He will see the funny side of you and will think, “Damn, I would have so much fun with her, I definitely say yes!”
4. Serenade him: Gather up a bunch of your sisters and sing a song, with your own lyrics, of why he should go to formal with you. Make it go along with the theme of the formal, and have fun with it. The funnier the better, because it will, again, show him that you’re a fun chick to be around. Plus, with ten sorority girls standing in his lawn, do you really think he would have the nerve to say no? He won’t say no!
I hope these help! Woman up, and try these creative ways to ask that perfect guy to formal. I know you can do it, and you won’t regret it. Just remember to be creative, fun, and funny and he is sure to say yes, no matter what. Remember, if he says no, there is always ways to make him regret it. That is in next week’s blog. Haha, don’t worry and have fun!