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Tips and Tricks on How to Land a Summer Job

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

So summer is right around the corner and with exams stressing you out a summer job is probably the last thing on your mind. It’s been on the backburner for awhile now and the thought of having to start searching so late in the game can be disheartening.

But I am here to tell you it is not too late!

Sure, it may take a little longer than you wanted, but if you’re persistent in searching and applying and aren’t too picky with your options, I guarantee you’ll find a job to help you snag a little extra cash!

I want to give some tips and tricks to help encourage you and get you on your way!

1. Make/Update your resume – Having a good resume is a must and going door to door handing them out at local businesses is always a plus! There are tons of good resume outlines online that can help you know where to start or you can visit our very own Career’s Center for free help!

2. Check online websites – Indeed.com or Monster.com are two of the leading sites for job listings. Personally, I like Indeed better and I actually found my current second job on there a few months ago! There’s proof it works!

3. Use your connections! – Knowing the right person can easily land you a great summer job, but you have to be willing to take initiative and ask them if there’s any openings for the summer. Most businesses know college students are looking for work and will have positions open, but not taking advantage of your connections would be a waste!

4. Be persistent – You can’t just apply to two jobs and assume you’re going to get one of them. Check back every few days because new listings will appear constantly. I had a friend who applied to multiple jobs a day and it took her an entire semester to actually find one. I know it’s boring and repetitive but it’ll all pay off when you get that first paycheck!

5. Be prepared – When you do get that interview, make sure to dress nicely – formal/semi-formal (or wear something close to what you would be expected to wear on the job). Always bring a copy of your resume, even if you sent one in with the application. Make sure you’re phone is turned off before going inside so there’s no rude interruptions. And don’t forget to use those good ol’ manners your mama taught you!  

6. Don’t be discouraged –  In my experience, it typically takes about a month from when you send an application in for the company to actually get around to reviewing it and getting back to you. So don’t think that you’re doomed just yet if it’s been a while and you haven’t gotten any responses. Just wait a little longer!

The summer may be a great time to recharge, sit back, and get a nice tan but wouldn’t it be a better use of your time to work a little bit and save up some money? When fall comes around and all your friends are out shopping for their new house/apartment, you won’t be stuck in your dorm room wishing you’d utilized your three free months better.

There are so many different options, for every different type of person. And hey, you may even be able to gain a little experience in whatever field you’re studying/wanting to get into for a career! You never know!

Remember it’s not too late to find a great summer job; start looking right now!

Hannah Trudeau is a co-correspondent for Her Campus at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is an International Business and Information Systems/ Supply Chain Management double major and is minoring in French. She would love to travel the world one day for work as she loves to learn about different countries and cultures. In her free time, Hannah enjoys reading and catching up with friends.