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Know the Candidates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

With the Presidential Election being only a month away and early voting starting as soon as next week, it’s best that you know who all the candidates are and what they stand for. When you cast a vote you want to make sure that you’re voting for what you believe in and also voting smart. In this election there are four candidates; two women and two men. The candidates are: Hillary Clinton who is a Democrat, Donald Trump who is a Republican, Jill Stein who is part of the Green Party and Gary Johnson who is a Libertarian. Here are a few things from each candidate’s’ platforms:

Hillary Clinton

  • Plans to put an end to sexual assault on campus and wants to ensure that a fair process in the judicial system will take place in order to get justice.

  • Plans to make debt free college, by 2021, families with income up to $125,000 will pay no tuition at in-state four-year public colleges and universities and every student from a family making $85,000 a year or less will be able to go to an in-state four-year public college or university without paying tuition.

Donald Trump

  • Plans to put up walls to keep drugs and illegal immigrants out.

  • Plans to make military big and strong, take care of veterans and get rid of ISIS.

Jill Stein

  • Free universal child care.

  • Allow full access to contraception and reproductive care.

  • Set a $15/hour federal minimum wage.

Gary Johnson

  • Plans to make more efficient systems to get visas for immigrants.

  • Plans to eliminate special interest taxes loopholes and ensure that the cost of necessities will not increase.

With that being said make sure you’re registered to vote. Your vote truly counts! If you want to read more about any of the candidates, I left a few links below. Vote smart!

Find out more:







Hannah Trudeau is a co-correspondent for Her Campus at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is an International Business and Information Systems/ Supply Chain Management double major and is minoring in French. She would love to travel the world one day for work as she loves to learn about different countries and cultures. In her free time, Hannah enjoys reading and catching up with friends.