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How to Choose the Best Hair Color for YOU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

Maybe it’s because the new school year is starting and you want to ‘evolve’ from the person you were last year or your long-term relationship ended on a rocky note and you need switch it up. Perhaps the leaves have inspired you as they start to change color. Maybe you’re just feeling spontaneous. Whatever the reason, you’ve decided to change up your hair color. When you make this decision, you should consider what colors would fit you best.

I’m sure that everyone has heard these statements before, or something similar, which have discouraged them from dyeing their hair: “you can only wear your natural hair colors”, “you wouldn’t  look good with those colors in your hair”, and “you shouldn’t dye your hair those unique colors.”

All of these statements above are completely false. They are opinions and they aren’t based on cold hard facts, rather prejudice. Yes, it is okay to want to wear your natural hair color but it’s not okay to shame someone else for not wearing theirs. What ‘looks good’ is in the eyes of the beholder. As long as you feel like you will look good with your chosen hair color,  you should go for it! And you should support someone else looking good in their own way.

Here are the questions you should ask yourself before you choose a hair color:

1. Do I want to stand out? If yes, choose a color that stands out against your environment.

Fall colors tend to be warm colors such as yellow, red, and gold. The perfect colors to stand out against the warm-colored leaves are cool colors such as green, blue, and purple.

2. What color would I look good in?

We tend to think of color as just one shade of color, instead of a cloud of hue and variation. That’s why when someone says we don’t look good in this ___ color; it is often a lie. There are many different variations of a single group of colors, you are not limited to wearing one shade of it. Not to mention, when one or more colors gets added into the mix, i.e. blue-green, blue-purple the choices are endless.

3. How vibrant should the color be?

It depends on if you want the color to stand out. It can be as bright as the sun or dark as night. If you need help on how vibrant you should get it, look at the clothes you wear often: if you wear light colors, often you would prefer light colored hair likewise, with dark clothes, you would prefer a dark hair color.

4. What should I wear with the new hair color?

We often forget that our clothes could make a difference with the new hair color. I would suggest studying complimentary colors to find out what the opposite color of your hair is and ensure you don’t wear that color too often. For example, if you have vibrant red hair, often it isn’t a great idea to wear vibrant blue clothes. You should definitely express yourself, but seeing two power colors fighting to have dominance can cause headaches/distractions. If you have red hair, especially if it’s long and thick, I suggest avoiding bright blue and staying near dark blue/black.

Keep in mind, changing hair colors can be more complex than suspected in the beginning. There are so many ways to ruin a dye job without messing up the actual hair color: wrong shade/hue, wrong intentions, and wrong clothes. As long as you remember to have confidence in yourself and your hair and remember the 4 questions above when choosing a hair color, you should have a wonderful color venture.

Just a small town girl, living in an aggressive double standard, minority fetching world.
Hannah Trudeau is a co-correspondent for Her Campus at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is an International Business and Information Systems/ Supply Chain Management double major and is minoring in French. She would love to travel the world one day for work as she loves to learn about different countries and cultures. In her free time, Hannah enjoys reading and catching up with friends.