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How to Be a Nonconformist this Halloween

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

Picture this, you pick out a costume, get ready for a big party you’ve been planning with your friends, and when you open the door to let your guests in, you find out that you’re not the only one wearing that costume. Maybe there’s two or three other people wearing the same costume. After you realize that you are not the only one who wanted to be Harley Quinn for Halloween, it turns into a “Who Wore It Best,” competition. If you want to avoid this annoyingly awkward moment, I’ve come up with a list of costumes that you should avoid.

1. Harley Quinn

The recent Suicide Squad movie was released this year and Margot Robbie’s character, Harley Quinn has been the most popular character. Who wouldn’t want to dress like her? She’s pretty, violent, intelligent and the Joker’s girlfriend.

2. Beyoncé

With Queen B’s Lemonade album out, and all of the commotion she caused after the Super Bowl this year, Beyoncé has had all of the spotlight. Her celebrity status and positivity in society has given her the opportunity to serve as a role model for most women today.

3. Gymnastics Olympics Team

Simone Biles and the rest of the Olympic team have had so much publicity after taking home the gold in the 2016 Rio Olympics. I wish I could be an Olympic gold medalist but if I want to have a unique costume, I will stay away from this type of costume.

4. Pokémon Go

Even though Pokémon Go is starting to die down amongst the majority of people, it was still extremely popular this summer. People will definitely be dressing up as the Pokémon or Pokémon Go trainers.

5. US Presidential Candidates

With this year’s presidential election coming up, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton costumes had been in stores even before Halloween. There will be plenty of Trump and Clinton’s running around, you don’t have to be one of them. You would make out better dressing up like President Barack Obama, or Michelle Obama.

6. Ghostbusters

The new Ghostbusters movie featuring women didn’t get the highest ratings but it was still pretty popular. It has been popular for those who want to have the same costume theme with their friends. Ghostbusters would seem like the best costume idea for your “squad,” however, there are many more creative ideas that you can put into play. I doubt you would want another group of friends dressed like you and your friends.

7. Clowns

Most of you are probably thinking, clowns? Why would somebody want to do that after all that’s been happening? The clown epidemic has turned into somewhat of a joke to most people. Halloween is a time to scare those around you, so what better way to instill fear than to dress like the one thing that’s been scaring people around the world.

For costume ideas that are more nonconformist and will stand out check out our past article on DIY Halloween Costumes!

My name is Morgan Collins, I am 21 years old and I am currently enrolled at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro as a Senior. I am a Media Studies Major and I am interested in photography as well.
Hannah Trudeau is a co-correspondent for Her Campus at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is an International Business and Information Systems/ Supply Chain Management double major and is minoring in French. She would love to travel the world one day for work as she loves to learn about different countries and cultures. In her free time, Hannah enjoys reading and catching up with friends.