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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

Every new year brings the promise of change and new beginnings. Many people begin the journey of the new year by changing something about themselves. Vision boards are a popular tool to help people visualize what they want for the new year. But how do you actually get to where you want to be? Whether you are trying to stay healthy, take a break from social media, or start a bullet journal, these tips will help you on your journey.

Set Specific Goals – Some goals are extremely vague which makes it harder to reach them. For example, “go to the gym” is a good idea to start with but then you need to get into the real details such as how many times a week, how long, and what exercises will you do. Being more specific makes it easier to clearly see your goals and track your progress. Having these details in place also makes tweaking things as needed a simpler task.

Have a Buddy – Having trouble sticking with the plan? Consider asking a friend to join you if you both have the same goals. Having a friend or a group of people trying to reach the same goal and encouraging you, can ease the process if you are struggling. You’ll have people to strategize with, bounce ideas off of, and you can hold each other accountable and work together to reach your goals.

Treat Yo’ self – Seeing yourself progress can be a reward in itself, but when you see that you are sticking with your plan or you have reached a milestone, acknowledge it by rewarding yourself to something nice: getting your nails done or buying that thing that has been sitting in your cart forever. Be proud that you have gotten yourself to where you are, and look forward to where you are going!

Trying to achieve a goal is never easy, and there will probably be unexpected bumps in the road. But if you stay positive and keep your endgame in mind, your vision board could become your reality!