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A Word of Advice From The Oldest Sibling

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCC chapter.

My sweet, sweet sibling:

Whenever people ask me if I have a “younger” sibling, my answer is obviously always say yes, but you’re not so young anymore. Watching you grow has been one of the most amazing life experiences. When we were young, you were my favorite person to annoy. You were my favorite person to pick fights with, my favorite person to kick out of my bedroom, and my favorite person to blame for my mistakes. But now, you’re my favorite person to be proud of. 

Sweet sibling, you never fail to amaze me. Everyday I grow and you grow with me. You pick up on my good habits and learn from my bad ones. You may not realize it, but being your role model is one of the greatest feelings in the world. It makes me sad to know you’re your own person now and that I don’t have to hold your hand to cross the street anymore, but know I am always here to protect you.

With that being said, here is a word of advice to be your helping hand. Do not ever give up on something that makes you smile. Chase the things in life that only bring you joy. The saying “life is short” is preached by many, but it holds incredibly true. You only have so much time, little one, so don’t waste it on things that will bring you pain. 

You will go through turbulent times. You will run into obstacles and hit brick walls. While these things are inevitable in life, the strength and courage that I hope to have taught you will help you persevere. And if you feel stuck or as if you cannot escape, reach for my hand and I will help you cross that road. 

I love you, sweet sibling, and I am so blessed to be the one to annoy you for the rest of our days. 

Alexa Bernard -Sophomore at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte -Athlete, puppy enthusiast, lover of all places warm and sunny (preferably with a beach) -Sepsis survivor -Follow my Insta: alexa_marie11