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I Had An AI Write An Article For Me: Here Is What It Came Up With

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UMKC chapter.

If you spend time on the Internet, chances are that you are no stranger to the concept of AI. From providing conversation to driving cars on their own to creating original pieces of art, it seems like the possibilities of AI are endless. Something that has been discussed in the social media space more frequently is the controversial ability of AI to formulate essays. Essays are such an integral part of the United States education system, that many believe allowing AI to write essays will make this skill obsolete. After all, how can a teacher differentiate between what was written by a student versus what was written by a computer, especially when computers can mimic the student’s writing style? 

As a writer myself, I wanted to try out one of these engines. First, I googled “free AI writing engines,” and I came across the website www.the-good-ai.com . Next, I selected the free plan, which formulates essays of up to 150 words for you. I chose my topic, which was “the importance of snow days for children,” and I clicked the “persuasive” box for the essay. Here is what the engine came up with:

“Snow days are a vital part of childhood memories. They bring joy and excitement to children, giving them a break from the monotony of school and allowing them to enjoy the beauty of winter. Snow days provide an opportunity for children to engage in outdoor activities such as building snowmen, sledding and having snowball fights.

Moreover, snow days offer a chance for children to bond with their families. Parents can take time off from work to spend quality time with their kids, creating memories that will last a lifetime. This is especially important in today’s fast-paced world where families often struggle to find time for each other.

Snow days also have educational benefits. Children can learn about weather patterns and the science behind snowflakes. They can also practice problem-solving skills by figuring out how to navigate through snowy terrain or build a fort.

In conclusion, snow days are not just fun but also essential for the overall development of children. They provide opportunities for physical activity, family bonding, and learning experiences that cannot be replicated in the classroom. Therefore, it is crucial that schools continue to prioritize safety while also recognizing the importance of these cherished childhood traditions.”

Overall, I do not think that this essay is the most fitting for a HerCampus article, although it definitely sounds like something a student could submit as a homework assignment. The article does not match my individual style, but at the same time, I did not input any of my own writing for it to work off of, so I think the engine did a pretty darn good job. I would imagine that some of the higher-level, paid-for platforms would make the essay seamless with my own writing, and I would be interested to try them in the future. It is clear that the AI is able to follow an assignment and many of the points that it listed in the essay are points that I would have brought up if I were to have written this article myself. Overall, I feel like this tool would be most useful for someone experiencing writer’s block, as it provides novel ideas to incorporate into your writing. 

While I believe that this new technology has the potential to be concerning, I do not think that we are quite there yet. I can only speak about this free essay generator, but I feel as though it is missing much of the eloquence of an essay written by a human. What do you think? Should AI be a source of concern for the future of English education?

Hi everyone! My name is Abby, and I am currently a fifth year in UMKC's six year B.A./M.D. program. My hobbies include triathlons, exploring coffee shops in the Kansas City area, and playing the piano. I also enjoy a good book, and my favorite author is Sarah J. Maas.