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How To Create The Perfect Fall Reading Nook

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UMKC chapter.

As the weather starts to cool and the leaves begin to change color, I commonly find myself wanting to snuggle up indoors with a good book. I have discovered that the reading experience is greatly enhanced with a cozy reading nook. If you want to embrace the coziness of fall and dive into some good books, look no further. This article will provide you with step-by-step guidance on how to create the perfect fall reading nook in your home.

1. Brighten up your space with warm lighting

Location is everything when it comes to reading nooks. My favorite locations are those that are close to a window or balcony, as these will provide natural light. However, as the days become shorter, this is not ideal for those who like to stay up reading late into the night. This is why I would recommend also incorporating warm artificial lighting into your space. Consider lamps with warm-toned bulbs or soft fairy lights to brighten up your space.

2. Invest in comfortable seating

The choice of seating can truly make or break your reading nook. Some of my favorite options include a comfortable rocking chair, bean bag chair or a comfy papasan chair. Make sure to include some warm, seasonal blankets as well. However, your most important consideration should be comfort. It is not conducive to hours of reading if your back hurts!

3. Bookshelves and storage are a must

If you are anything like me, collecting books is nearly as fun as reading them. There is nothing more exciting than a bookshelf full of titles to be read, and a stocked bookshelf can bring a space together. By adding even a small bookcase, you will be able to access a fresh adventure every time you settle down to read. Not to mention, you can customize the shelf to accommodate extras such as bookmarks or a convenient spot for your coffee – a must for those long, delightful reading days.

4. Bring on the seasonal decor

Decorating your reading nook for the seasons brings a certain sense of allure, which is perfect for devouring a long book. During the fall, I greatly enjoy adding pumpkin and leaf decor to capture the vibes of the season. If you are a Halloween enthusiast, you could consider incorporating spiderwebs or other eerie directions. These types of things can also be added to your bookshelf to fill in the gaps where books have not found their place (yet).

With the arrival of fall, it is natural that we will be spending more time inside, making it the ideal season to craft a dedicated reading nook. Reading nooks are my favorite, as they allow a pleasant escape from responsibilities into a new world, even if it is only for a little bit. By following the tips in this guide, I am confident that you can create a space that is perfect for the coziest of days. Happy reading!

Hi everyone! My name is Abby, and I am currently a fifth year in UMKC's six year B.A./M.D. program. My hobbies include triathlons, exploring coffee shops in the Kansas City area, and playing the piano. I also enjoy a good book, and my favorite author is Sarah J. Maas.