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Molly Peach-Girl With Float In Pool
Molly Peach / Her Campus

How to Make the Most of Your Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UMKC chapter.

As you’re reading this, you’re likely either done with finals or maybe have a few more to go – hang in there, summer is practically here. While some may be starting summer classes in just weeks or working full time, there’s a good chance that the majority of us have at least a bit more free time than we do during the normal school year. With this new sense of freedom, many of us fall into the routine of making plans to do all these great things, go on adventures and try new experiences, only to sleep or Netflix-binge our summers away. Personally, I am committed to making this summer one of my most productive ones yet and I want the same for all of you. While you totally deserve some do-nothing days, let’s commit to truly making the most of our time. Here is my advice on ways you can take advantage of these next few months.

Stick to a schedule.

The idea of writing in a planner and keeping up with a schedule might sound contrary to the point of a vacation, but this is the best way for you to ensure you’re not losing track of time and wasting your days away. It doesn’t need to be as rigorous and planned out as your usual planner, but committing to some sort of layout where you plan time in your day for activities you want to get done will really help you stay productive.

Start that hobby you’ve always wanted to try.

There have been so many times when I’ve said I wanted to start doing something but never found the time to do it. Now is the time. Whether it’s working on creating art, learning an instrument, writing in a journal, or taking a workout class, just set reminders on your phone or invite a friend to start doing this activity with you to make it even more fun.

Clean out your belongings.

Summer break is a great time to do that spring-cleaning you likely never got around to. It could be going through your closet and getting rid of the items that you no longer wear, facing that growing pile of random things you shove under your bed or doing a full-on deep clean. Dedicating time to cleaning out your space will make you feel refreshed and accomplished, and you’ll be glad you did it.

Keep your brain working.

If you’re not taking classes this summer, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure you were still engaging in activities that stimulated your mind. This could be the chance to finally start reading for fun after all of the times you’ve said you wish you still had the time to. You could read fiction novels, check out nonfiction works to learn about something you’re interested in or find a style of puzzles you’re into. You can even find many apps that are meant to train your brain. These are just a few ways to get started.

Create a healthy routine for the fall.

Realistically speaking, it’s been said that it takes about two months for something to truly become a habit. Whatever habit you know you want to develop this fall to set yourself up for success, you should start this now so that it’s already a routine when mid-August comes around. This could mean getting more sleep, sticking to a workout routine, writing in a planner or getting in the habit of making meals at home. There are many different apps to keep track of these goals to keep yourself accountable. Think about all of the times this semester you’ve said, “If only I could stick to a sleep schedule,” or “I never have enough time to cook healthy meals.” Start practicing these habits this summer so that it’s second nature to you when it really counts!

Work on you.

Dedicate this summer to working on yourself. This could coincide with some of the previous points and this looks different for everyone, but truly take advantage of your extra time to work on the aspects of your growth that you know need attention. Maybe it’s spending more time doing the things that really make you happy or seeking out resources for what you need help in, whatever it is that you want to spend more time on for your own well-being, I encourage you to no longer push this aside.

I hope that your summer is full of fun memories, that you take days to just do nothing all day, but that you also do all of those things you’ve really been wanting to do. Get on top of the tasks you’ve been procrastinating and make time for the things and people you love. Happy summer!

Gracie (originally from St. Louis) is a secondary education major with an emphasis in English and is a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority at UMKC. Her favorite activities range from visiting local coffee shops to finding new places to hike and explore outdoors. She is passionate about art, helping people & animals, traveling, and style + design.
Krit graduated with English and Chemistry degrees from UMKC. As the President and founder of UMKC’s chapter, she hopes HC UMKC will continue to create content that inspires students. Some of her favorite things include coffee and writing.