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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UMKC chapter.

If you’re currently spending all of your time in social isolation ALONE with messy, greasy hair full of dry shampoo and testing how many pringles you can fit into your mouth at once… Hi, I’m Abbey, and we might be twins.

With all of us being under a stay-at-home order during this global pandemic, I’ve been actively using dating apps such as Hinge, Bumble and Tinder. Scrolling through men’s profiles filled with nice guys, bad jokes, and tons of fishing pictures seems a little bit better than just staring at a wall in my room all day. What else is one supposed to do?

Many of us still want to meet someone, even if we can’t actually meet them for several weeks or even months. So, it’s time to use texting, phone calls and FaceTime to connect with others. Now this might not be as exciting as a coffee date but at least you can end a facetime call quickly if the date isn’t going well. In all seriousness, this does force people to get to know each other by asking the other personal questions about their life goals, their family, and if they were a dog, what kind of dog would they be? You know, the important questions.

This really makes a difference because, personally, I’d probably ignore every red flag if someone who slightly resembled Timothee Chalamet was sitting across from me in real life. Therefore, really take advantage of this time to really get to know your matches before you both are in person, slightly drunk off of one vodka cranberry (if you’re 21), and suddenly finding yourself not caring about the fact that they’re 25 and still live at home with their parents.

It’s also an excellent opportunity to see how someone you’re interested in might act under very stressful situations. I mean, everyone is going stir crazy due to cabin fever right now. If you can see how someone reacts under these copious amounts of stress right at the beginning, it might give you good insight into how they handle unexpected life challenges down the road.. 

Yes, in-person chemistry matters, but trying to weed out matches based on if they know how to use “you’re” versus “your” is crucial. These are the things you probably don’t consider when the world is acting in non-crisis mode. This advice might come off as old fashion but it’s the only choice we really have right now while trying to stay safe and healthy. Don’t give up hope because there are still opportunities to get to know awesome new people. So remember, stay inside and take some time to meet new people virtually.

Abbey is a sophomore at University of Missouri - Kansas city studying communications emphasis in Journalism and minoring in English. In her free time, she can be found coffee shop hoping around Kansas city, watching vine compilations on YouTube, or spending all her money at Sephora and beating her face to the gods.