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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

Willy T is a great place to study, but it can get boring studying in the same place all the time. One of the best perks to studying at these 5 places is the fact that you can stay in the building even after it closes and it locks for people outside. I am most productive at night, and Willy T closing at 8:00 makes that really hard. 


J. David Rosenberg College of Law Building

The law building is located on 620 S Limestone, Lexington, KY 4058. It is about in the middle of Central and North campus. It is a really modern and nice building. There are 3 floors, but my favorite spot is the center of the 2nd floor. The only bad thing about this building is that there are no study rooms, so there is not as much privacy offered.


Gatton College of Business


The college of business is located on 550 S Limestone, Lexington, KY 40506. It is near the law building, and it is also great on the inside. There are more places to study in this building, and there are private study rooms. The study rooms even have a T.V where you can connect your device to it with an HDMI cord. 


ALC Room in Your Own Dorm

I don’t see this room being utilized a lot, but it is a great place to go and study without even leaving your dorm. You can even study in your pajamas. This is the room at the end of every floor located on each floor. It is the Active Learning Center, and I even study in rooms not on my floor.


Gatton Student Center

The student center is on North campus and there are so many places to study. It is also a great place to study in between classes. The Wild Cat Lounge on the bottom floor in the corner is very quiet and there are nice chairs on the second floor. It may be a little busy, but the number 1 unknown place is my favorite.


Don and Cathy Jacobs Science Building 

The SCB building is located on 680 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40508. It is located on Central campus near my dorm so I especially like the location. This is my favorite place to go because it has the best study rooms. There are also so many study rooms that offer a lot of privacy. They are frosted glass so I also like the lighting of the room. 


Speaking from experience, remeber to prop the door to any study room if the building is locked. Since you are able to stay in the building after hours, you will see the door lock turn red instead of green. If you leave without proping the door, all your items may be locked in the room!

Hi, my name is Kalista Smiley. I'm currently a sophomore at the University of Kentucky majoring in digital media and design. My hobbies include hanging out with friends and family and doing any type of art project. I also really enjoy being active through hiking or working out. I currently live on campus, and I want to make my college years memorable!
Her Campus UK Contributor Account.