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Tips Before Getting Your First Tattoo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.



Last semester my friend approached me about accompanying her to get a tattoo because I already have two. I, of course, agreed and decided to get another one. Tattoos are a huge commitment and have to be taken seriously. This is why I decided to list some tips I have learned from others about getting a tattoo.


  • Inspiration

As I said before tattoos are a huge commitment. They become a permanent part of your body and should be something you will not regret. Before getting my first tattoo at 18 I thought about the idea for a year. I wanted my first tattoo to be meaningful. When you find an idea you like think about location too. Will it look nice there for a long time? Will you grow tired of seeing it? If you can not answer these questions or you do not like the answers to them, you might need to go back to the drawing board.


  • Research

When getting a tattoo you want to make sure the parlor you go to is clean and has positive feedback from other customers. You should look at numerous parlors and the artists that work there. After finding a parlor look at an artist who does work similar to what you want and go through their portfolio. Once you have decided on an artist you can email them your work and ask for a quote.


  • Understanding

Make sure your artist understands your vision for the tattoo. You should have a conversation about what you want and where. In this conversation the artist may give you advice about the longevity of your tattoo and other things that could possibly affect your tattoo, and you should listen. The artist ultimately knows best and wants you to go home with a piece of art you will love.


  • The Day of

When you go in to get your tattoo make sure you arrive a few minutes early, just to get a feel for the shop. This helps me get comfortable in my setting. Do not consume alcohol before you get your tattoo. Everyone talks about liquid courage, but it will not help you here. Drinking before will actually cause you to bleed more during your tattoo process. Instead, drink water and eat something before coming. It may help to bring a friend or someone you trust to help you relax. I brought headphones to listen to music, because I did not want to hear the buzzing of the needle. Lastly be sure to RELAX.


  • Enjoy

You just added a piece of art to your body. It is something that will be with you forever. Whether it has a special meaning or it is just something you really like, enjoy it. Do not let people question your decision.

My name is Micah Hurt. I am a sophomore Equine major at the University of Kentucky. I am also a Resident Advisor (RA). I love to read, explore Lexington (or anywhere really), and listen to murder mystery podcast!