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The ‘My Favorite Murder’ Podcast is Truly to Die For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

With Halloween right around the corner, it is time to embrace all things spooky. However, for true crime lovers, there is a podcast that allows everyday of the year to get creepy.


I had never really took an interest in podcasts. I tried to listen to true crime podcasts, but the professionalism of certain podcasts made them seem unnatural and stiff.


I have always obsessed with true crime. Since a young age, I actively watched the Investigation Discovery channel for hours on end. Over 10 years late, my interest in serial killers and unsolved murders never wavered. Recently, someone suggest a podcast to me called My Favorite Murder. Like I said previously, I did not really have a thing for podcasts. But after listening to the first episode, I was hooked.


Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark started a podcast in 2016 that revolved around serial killers, murder and unsolved cases. They started the podcast as an outlet for those also into true crime, but a little scared of judgement from friends for being interested in such a dark topic. But within two years, the podcast exploded.


More and more people began listening and soon enough, the My Favorite Murder podcast had a mass following and even its own merchandise.


Something about this podcast truly stands out compared to others and that is the lack of professionalism. The two women record their podcast in the comfort of Georgia’s apartment with Elvis her cat. Each week, they research a murder or a case where the victim survived and then tell the story. Some cases and nationally known while others are smaller. Some involve murderers, cults and even the paranormal. There is something for every true crime lover!


Despite the dark topics, the stories are told with humor that lighten the mood and genuinely make the listener crack up. They have a way to discuss the stories and share their opinions while keeping the mood light and telling the facts.


Along with their ability to share the stories, they also incorporate their listeners by having shorter episodes where they read emails sent in from listeners. “Hometown Murders” is where people submit crazy stories about murders or serial killers that somehow managed to pop-up in their lives. These are a great chance to hear about small town stories that do not receive national coverage. They’re interesting, yet sweet and to the point.


I recommend this podcast to any who enjoys true crime and feels like the stories are being told to them by two of their friends. But I warn all future listeners: you will get addicted to this podcast and will die from laughter with each episode!

Megan Rohrbach is a senior at the University of Kentucky. She is majoring in print journalism and minoring in criminology. Her dream jobs include working for the FBI, book publishing and writing for a women's magazine. When she's not in class or writing, she can be found watching her favorite Netflix shows, taking lots of naps, raving about the Ohio State Buckeyes and trying out a new makeup look. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter @themegmeg37.