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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

During Finals Week, who has the time/energy to put together a cute outfit each morning (that is, if you haven’t pulled an all-nighter)?

Not me, that’s for sure.

My favorite #finalsweekfashion? Norts (or, Nike shorts, if you prefer) and a t-shirt. They’re super comfortable! Some even have fun prints from sailboats to elephants; the American-themed Norts are my personal pick (see above for closet inspo).

Also, Her Campus has a great list of fashion essentials (and other necessary staples) for this semester’s Finals Week; they’re all super cute and make getting ready for classes/exams oh-so-easy (you might see me sporting the baseball cap to my studio final in a few weeks…).

Click here to check them out!

Bring on the exams (and lots and lots of Starbucks), because Finals Week, here we come!!


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"Sam I am," and I LOVE to read. Whether it's Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" or The Mortal Instruments series, I'm always reading. And when I'm not reading, I'm writing; English papers, magazine editorials, you name it! Italian food is my favorite, shoe shopping is my addiction, and I hate cold weather. I'm also a proud member of Slytherin house (we're not all bad, I swear).