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3 Empowering Female Artists

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

Photo By Chad Madden


This article is dedicated to three extremely talented, influential and empowering female artists; Beyoncé, Taylor Swift and Kesha, and the importance they have created for women with their music.


I could talk all day about how much I love these three womens’ music and how talented they are vocally, but of equal importance is their dedication to the empowerment of women through their lyrics, something that can be overlooked.


Beyoncé’s lyrics to some of her songs on “Lemonade” are very clear in their empowering of women. In the song “6 Inch” she says, “Stars in her eyes, she fights for the power, keeping time, she grinds day and night, she grinds from Monday to Friday, works from Friday to Sunday.” These lyrics show that women are hard-working too, and will do anything, such as work every day of the week to succeed.


In another song on “Lemonade”, “Don’t Hurt Yourself,” Beyoncé says, “And keep your money, I’ve got my own, keep a bigger smile on my face, being alone.” If Beyoncé does not need a man to make her happy, neither do you! It is totally possible to be happy and make your own money without a man. Happiness is home-grown.


With the release of Taylor Swift’s new album, “Reputation,” comes a lot of new music with empowering lyrics to support herself and hints to those who have shamed her.


Swift has a “reputation” (see what she did there?) as a girl who dates a lot of men and when the relationship doesn’t work out, she writes songs about them. Instead of backing up against a wall, she embraces the new Taylor and shames everyone who has done her wrong and called her a “snake” in this new album, not just her ex’s. She was even seen on SNL holding a sparkly snake microphone while performing one of her newest songs.


Female artists have a bad reputation when it comes to standing up for themselves and embracing what people dislike about them. Swift has changed her view from the beginning of her career to now and other women should not be afraid to embrace their true self either!


Kesha’s newest album, “Rainbow,” has multiple songs that are empowering to women, but she has an entire song dedicated specifically to women called, “Women.”


Nearly every lyric in this song alone is dedicated to empowering women and letting them know you can do anything you want. For example, “I buy my own things, I pay my own bills, these diamond rings, my automobiles, everything I got, I bought it, boys can’t buy my love,” and my personal favorite, “Don’t buy me a drink, I make my money, don’t touch my weave, don’t call me “honey,” ’cause I run my shit, baby.”


These songs speak volumes.


Ladies, if you are single or have a significant other, you are powerful, strong and can do anything you put your mind to.


Embrace it.


Hannah Woosley is a senior at the University of Kentucky majoring in print journalism and minoring in history. She is a staff writer and co-editor for Her Campus UK. She is also a columnist and assistant opinions editor for UK’s student-run school newspaper, The Kentucky Kernel. In her free time, she enjoys being outdoors hiking, swimming and practicing yoga. She adores animals and has two, six-year-old cats. You can catch Hannah writing an article, watching her favorite shows on Netflix, drinking an iced coffee or enjoying some time outdoors.