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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Rihanna’s 32nd birthday was just on Thursday and I know we are all wondering…where is her new album?

It’s been four years since her last album, ANTI, was released and us fans definitely are feeling abandoned.

For now, rumors about the next album will have to be enough for us. The next album is reportedly called ‘R9.’ When asked when her rumored album will drop, Rihanna told Entertainment Tonight “Dot. Dot. Dot. To be continued…I like to antagonize my fans a little bit. Well, they antagonize me, too! So, they get it right back.”

Rihanna also told The Cut, “I’m going to be in the studio. I’m so excited actually. I can’t say who I’m working with, but it’s somebody I’ve been wanting to work with for a long time. Okay, I’ll tell you. It’s Pharrell”

Rihanna also explained that R9 will be a “reggae-inspired or reggae-infused album”. So while we don’t know exactly where Rihanna’s new album is, at least we know it should be worth the wait!

Mia is a sophomore at UIC pursuing a double major in history and Spanish. She is also pursuing a double minor in museum studies and social justice.
UIC Contributor.