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Valentine’s Day Romance… with Novels!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

With Valentine’s Day coming up, we’re all in the mood for some sizzling romance! Flowers, chocolates, and snuggling up next to a warm fire all sound like fantastic ways to spend the day, regardless of whether or not it is happening in real life.
Being avid HerCampus followers, I’m sure that reading is one of your passions. Want to learn how to immerse yourself in some sexy Valentine’s Day fun, all while learning how to become a great writer yourself?
Chicago authors Jennifer Stevenson, Sherrill Bodine, and Patricia Rosemoor will be hosting an event to discuss the writing and publishing of steamy, romance novels. Not only will they be giving interesting and fun talks, but they will also allow for questions and personal greetings.
The event takes place at the Cliff Dwellers Club on Michigan Avenue on February 14th. The program begins at 7 p.m., but a social hour, with complementary appetizers and a cash bar, begins at 6 p.m.
What better way to spend your Valentine’s Day night? Learn how to spice up your love life, all while learning how to make some money by being an author!