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Top 10 Lessons I’ve Learned This Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

1.) Take A Break

2.) Believe in Yourself

3.) Don’t Create a Space You Can’t Fit Into

4.) Take Care of Your Health

5.) Be Yourself

6.) Be Grateful for Everything you Have

7.) Learn to Love Who God Created You to Be

8.) Enjoy Life

9.) Be Happy

10.) Never Be Sorry For Making Decisions that Can Help You

\"you got this\" on a letter board

Nikiya Alfred is the current events director for the UIC HER CAMPUS chapter. She's a third-year college student from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a passion for problem-solving issues in the CPS system. As an Urban Education major with a concentration in English Language Arts, she wants to explore more on Educational policy. This is the perfect opportunity for her to build relationships with other women who have a passion for writing. Please follow her on Instagram @Moondoll_7.
UIC Contributor.