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Sik Wit It Saturdays at BOHICA!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

It’s a Saturday night in Chicago. You’re looking for a new place to get litty and dance the night away with your squad. Where do you go? Well, let me put you on to Bohica, real quick.

Bohica is a Bar & Grill located by Archer and Lavergne, right by Midway. I first went there for my cousin’s 21st birthday, a few days after mine, so I was new on the scene. Maaannn… It. Was. LIT!

The music was great; the drinks were great – it was just a blast! I kept coming back, literally staying until the very end. I became pretty good friends with the DJ that spins on Saturdays – DJ Sik Wit It; therefore, Saturdays at Bohica are called Sik Wit It Saturdays. He also does other events for different places, which he always posts on his Facebook, but check out his website, too!

The place is almost always packed! Many people would see that as a bad thing, but really, that’s how you know it’s poppin’! When you’re getting your drink on and dance on, that won’t even matter – you’ll start bonding and having a great time with people you don’t even know!

The bartenders and the servers are awesome! The food and drinks are delicious! The whole atmosphere is just so dope. Like anywhere else, there could be some problems, but as long as you’re there to have a good time, you will – no doubt. Don’t believe me? Go to their Halloween party this Saturday, the 28th.

(Courtesy of Facebook)

I’ll be there, so come turn up with yo’ girl!

Hey there! I'm Dolores Contreras, but call me Lola! I am a senior at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing and minoring in Sociology. This is my first semester writing for HerCampus and I'm super excited! It's not just a chance to get more involved on campus, but it's also creating this door of opportunities for life after college, ya' know? And what's best? Putting my writing to work! Yas! 
UIC Contributor.