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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Have you ever coveted some $300 shoes, but have been discouraged because you are a broke college student? Do you love shopping and wish you can do it often? If you have these problems you should download Covet Fashion, an app all about fashion and trends that allows you to virtually shop with money you earn for clothes to enter events.

Covet Fashion gives you a set amount of money to start with and an amount of tickets to enter events. These events have themes in where you chose the perfect outfit for the occasion. Each time you enter an event you are rewarded money or sometimes diamonds that go into buying more of the latest trends that come out everyday. You get to pick their hairstyles, make up, shoes, jewelry, and everything! To earn more tickets you vote for looks by preference. You are given two outfits in where you pick the one you like best. If your outfit gets a rating of 4 or above, you win a clothing prize that are worth diamonds, something a little more expensive and hard to buy.

It gets addictive very quickly and its virtual retail thearpy so why not?

The clothes featured in the game are from real designers and are actually sold online and in stores. It is a bit pricy but they post up offers that benefit you and your virtual self.

So take a break from all your homework and buy yourself a formal dress that you usually wouldn’t buy in real life.

Download here!

Hi, I'm Daniela. I'm a Sociology major with a minor in Criminology and Business Administration. I have been involved with Her Campus since my freshmen year, working in editorial, marketing, and social media. As president of Her Campus UIC, I am excited to see our chapter grow throughout my last year here.
UIC Contributor.