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Nicki Minaj’s VMA Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

On Sunday night I was glued to the TV watching the Video Music Awards or the VMAs on MTV. Everyone was probably wondering what the heck Nicki Minaj was wearing! I already know Joan Rivers of Fashion Police will be ripping her apart by the way she looks. She will no doubt be placed on the worst fashion dressed list. However, many may think she just puts on whatever, but she had a particular style for the VMAs.
Nicki wore a Harajuku style outfit to the VMAs. I enjoyed the three-dimensional dress part of the outfit.  What was also unique was the chain of stuffed animals that hung down from her mid section. What bothered me about her outfit was the mask she wore over her mouth. I thought it was a little too much. She didn’t really wear shoes, it was just stockings and at the bottom of her feet were stuff animals. I wished she wore Japanese Lolita shoes to complete the theme of her outfit. 

There were comments made about her that she is a Lady Gaga wannabe.  The difference between Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj is Lady Gaga does not try to look cute. Harajuku style is all about looking cute.  Harajuku may also be dressed as anime or manga characters. Harajuku style comes in many fashion styles that include, Gothic Lolita, Visual Kei, Kawaii, Ganguro and Kogal.
Nicki Minaj’s outfit is a Kawaii style, which means “cute.” It was not something she threw on. She wore a Japanese inspired outfit that many girls in Japan wear. It’s about mixing and matching different clothing styles and accessories. No one should make harsh comments about the styles of Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga, or anyone else for that matter, it’s who they are. They are not dressing for anyone, but for themselves. They were born this way!