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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.
 What year are you in school and what are you majoring in? Do you have a minor?
I am a senior at UIC and I’ll will be graduating this semester. My major is Communications and my minor is Sociology.
How did you decide that’s what you wanted to major (/minor) in?
I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to major in right away-but after changing majors many times I discovered there are so many things you can do wtih a communication degree, so I went with that. I originally went into it thinking I wanted to get into PR, but after a few internships here and there I realized that was not the route I wanted to go in and found myself really interested in going into marketing. My minor in sociology just kind of happened, I started taking classes I thought were interesting and stuck with it.
What is your plan right after college? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
After college I will be working at Lifeway Foods, a health food company, in the marketing department. I started interning there May 2012 and then this past Novemeber they offered me a full time position for when I graduate, which I am very thankful for! Its a great place to work, and I really enjoy working there. In 5 years I hope to be happy, succesful and still living in the city :)
Are you more excited to leave UIC or nervous about the future?
I am not excited to leave UIC because I know I will miss my college days as my life gets more hectic and the real world kicks in! However, I am excited to be done with the “school” part of college. I feel ready to leave but it’s sad to think about how fast time went. I honestly feel like I just got here. I am ready for the future and excited for all the new opportunities that are to come. I feel so young still and there is so much more I want and need to do in life.
What was your favorite memory about UIC?
My sorority, Phi Sigma Sigma. I think my college experience would not be what it was if I did not join. I truly have made life long friends and have had countless memories because of it. I never thought going to college I would make such great friends as I have in the sorority.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”