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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

As cold weather arrives in Chicago, there is nothing I enjoy more than curling up in my comforter and diving back into my favorite show. Gilmore Girls follows Lorelai and her daughter Rory as they navigate life and all the messiness that comes with it, offering their trademark quippy commentary along the way. 

Gilmore Girls is deceptively moving. What appears like any other comedy/drama series on the surface is surprisingly heartfelt and affecting underneath. With every re-watch my fondness for the show grows; I pick up on references I never heard before or find myself relating to new characters and laughing at familiar jokes. 

As silly as it may sound, the show has had a significant impact on my mood for the better, especially in college. In the midst of a stress-filled school year, watching the show feels like returning home to somewhere warm and familiar. In comparison to Chicago, a city that can seem overwhelmingly big, the fictional town of Stars Hollow is comfortably small. The show introduces us to a small group of people who we get to know as intimately as if they were our own friends. The comfort of a cast of vivid characters can make a huge city feel a little less lonely.

For 45 minutes at a time, I can immerse myself in the idyllic small-town world of Gilmore Girls, filled with good friends, life lessons, and lots of coffee, and for that I am thankful. To Lorelai and Rory, my favorite television duo, I say, “Where you lead, I will follow.”    

With 7 seasons currently streaming on Netflix, your next comfort binge of Gilmore Girls awaits.


Emma is a third-year student studying Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
UIC Contributor.