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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Kevin Skweres is an accounting major here at UIC and this is his final year as he will be graduating in the spring. After college he wants to be a (CPA) Certified Public Accountant. He hopes to eventually work at a small firm for it’s more personal and intimate atmosphere. When he isn’t busy going to classes, he is an RA for upperclassmen. He says that he enjoys being an RA.
Kevin and the other RA’s throw social events for students to meet new people. He also works with international students as well. He says one of his goals is to get the international students out of their dorms because most of them stay in and don’t go out. He is always trying new things for students to get out of their dorm rooms.
One day while bored in class, he got an idea to start a blog. He started his very first blog in November 2010. It is called Honor, Integrity, and Jokes by Kevin. The blog is about his life stories, LGBT topics, and his opinions. Unfortunately with school and being an RA, he says he doesn’t get enough time to write as much as he wants to.
He wrote his second blog post called, “My so called choice.”  He wrote, “And if I wouldn’t choose to be harassed for what I am, why would I try to recruit others to be harassed as well?  I wouldn’t.  I’m not that cruel (unless I don’t like you).”
He points out how gay people are not recruited into this life style. He shows his point of view on LGBT topics with his humorous and witty edge. You can hear Kevin’s voice in the blog and it makes it fun reading his blog. It’s a blog that people should check out at http://hijkevin.blogspot.com/