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Ice Cold Fashion- A Look at Akira’s Winter Fashion Show

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Lights, Camera, Fashion! 

Those were the words echoing in my head as I entered the new nightlife spot SHAY Chicago for the latest Akira Chicago fashion show. The theme of the night was “Après Ski”, and SHAY made sure the mood was set with ice cold Grey Goose cocktails,  leotard-clad servers wielding shot skis, and more fur than PETA could handle.  After the show, guests headed over to well-known River North club, Cuvee to have a few drinks and dance the night away with some of the best dressed Chicagoans around.

Sponsored by Akira and Grey Goose, the show was the first of many done by the Chicago based fashion retailer. Founded in 2002, Akira is well-known for having trendy and affordable fashions as well as an incredibly loyal client base the company constantly interacts with via the use of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. The company is also known for using its own store employees as both runway and billboard models, a fact clearly indicated by the many employees at the show cheering on their co-workers. As the store has grown over the years from 1 women’s store to a total of  10 locations throughout the Chicago area, there was no shortage of models or supporters at the latest fashion show. Based on the cool looks revealed it is clear that this fashion giant is still killing the game when it comes to fashion in Chicago.

Check out some of my favorite looks below:






Claudia was born in Mexico and moved to Chicago at the age of 8. She is currently attending the University of Illinois at Chicago as a Marketing major. She is really excited to be a part of the HerCampus team and is ready to make HC grow at UIC. She can’t go a day without exercising and especially enjoys Zumba! She loves fashion and reads blogs every day, that’s where she gets her inspiration when she dresses, and hopes to one day have her own! Claudia is currently a representative for AKIRA Chicago, for discount codes contact her at (cmarti74@uic.edu). She strives to be a better person every day, and is really thankful for everything she has. One of Claudia’s favorite quotes is “Enjoy all that you have while you pursue everything that you want”.