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Guys, The Clit Exists

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

During Spa Night with some close girlfriends of mine, we talked about everything and anything, and eventually, sex became the topic of conversation. So, we obviously drank wine and talked about the nitty gritty of our sex lives, duh. During story telling, one of my dearest friends shared a horrid story about how she literally had to remind the guy SEVERAL times that he needed to remember to stimulate her clitoris. Now, I know what you’re thinking…do men know that there is more to sex than actual vaginal penetration? Well, apparently not. Clearly, we have to remind these men that stimulation is REQUIRED for the clitoris. I think it’s more so that men are really not acquainted with the female body, and that’s fine in all, but it’s disappointing, right ladies?

Approximately 50-75% of women who have orgasms need to have their clitoris stimulated, so this means that A LOT OF WOMEN ARE UNABLE TO HAVE AN ORGASM THROUGH INTERCOURSE ALONE. SHOCKER. Which brings on the statement of fact; the clitoris is designed to bring a woman pleasure. Although many other orgasms exist for women, for most, an orgasm is ACHIEVED through clitoral stimulation. The clitoris is made up of 8,000; yes I said 8,000, nerve endings, which are DOUBLE the glans of the penis, which make this extremely important in sex and achieving orgasm.

In my own experience, the people I engaged with in sexual behavior haven’t really known what to do, in regards, to clitoral stimulation. I have encountered, for the most part, what I call “mixers,” that meaning they stimulate the clitoris as if it were a DJ record with scratching and rough movements. Let me tell you, that DOES NOT feel good at all whatsoever. I am also certain I could not touch my own clitoris for a couple days because it was irritated, dead serious. In recognition that some guys are really conscious about the clitoris (because they get most of their knowledge from porn), I started to communicate what I needed in order to orgasm, which consistently was clitoral stimulation. Once I coached them into the movements that were sufficiently pleasurable to me, orgasms happened. Yes, ladies, you can coach men through what exactly to do to your clitoris in order to achieve better and more satisfying sex (although, it may require some teaching and patience)!

Ladies, so what this means is that you need to communicate with the person you are hooking up with. You deserve that orgasm just as much as they get to blow their loads. Foreplay is a must with the clitoris! In order to achieve that orgasm, the clitoris must be stimulated. During foreplay, tell the person you’re with what exactly you need in order to prepare for intercourse, which should include clitoral stimulation. Don’t be afraid to tell the person you are with that something does not feel right, or that they need to change their approach. Do you want an orgasm? Because if you do (which I am assuming yes), communicate, don’t be shy about it, you deserve that orgasm as much as the other person does.  Remember beauts, stay true and bold my loves. 

UIC Contributor.