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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Summer break is officially over… or should I say syllabus week is over, and now classes are starting or may have started getting the ball rolling. It’s time to focus on classes, although your mind might not have gotten into “school mode,” it can be hard to gain your focus on classes. Here are few tips listed below on how you can make the best of this fall semester.

1. Start your day right!

Eat a healthy breakfast before class. This is the most important meal of the day but not only is this meal important you will have an easier time focusing in those 8 a.m. lectures which will definitely help your grades.

2. Form a study group.

Whether you have a friend in the class or don’t know anyone, meet some people in your classes and form a study group. This will keep you accountable for knowing the material. So don’t miss or skip those lectures.

3. Buy a planner.

It will make your academic and social life so much easier. Write down everything that needs to be done whether it’s printing a PowerPoint or washing clothes, your planner will keep your life together. Don’t forget to check it everyday and trust me, it will become your new best friend.

By following these three tips you will definitley gain your focus back on academics! 



Raven is sophomore at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She majoring in UIC college of education as an early childhood educator. She dreams of one day teaching in both private and public schools. She has a passion for young people and most importantly patience. During Raven's free time from class she likes to shop, catch up on missed shows and more SHOPPING. Raven is sometimes shy but love meeting new people - ironic!  
UIC Contributor.