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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

What’s hairy, wet, and has lips? Give up? It’s a vagina! And if you’re reading this right now, there’s a good chance that you have one.

So, why shaving? Well, I consider shaving to be one of the many things women are told they need to do in order to be feminine, attractive, and socially accepted. In my opinion, this is the reason why many women and I choose to shave our vaginas.

However, I know that this isn’t the case for all women. To find some answers, I asked a few of my girl-friends about their furry, little pals. Here’s what they had to say:

Kristen: I’m writing an article about shaving your vagina, and I wanted to ask: do y’all shave your vagina? And why or why not?

Blake: Omg, so relevant. Okay, so I shave when I want to. Which is rarely. But I think I’m just going to start shaving the lips and trimming the front part. I don’t like my cookie to be hairless. It’s weird. I’m already short, so it makes me feel like a baby.

Kristen: Lol valid! I agree with alla that. I kinda like what I look like without hair though. I got that newborn look. Like a baby angel sent from heaven. Also, my vagina hair is insanely long, so I’m down with a trim. I don’t keep up with it though.

Blake: I definitely don’t. And dudes always say something. But I be like, bro we don’t have to fuck…move. And they like, “Nah, nah. It’s cool.” Like I know. Shut up and come on.

Kristen: Lmao, real as hell. They talk shit but still wanna hit.

                                                                                       Courtesy of: Beyondthetalk.ca

Basirat: I do shave down there. I only shave when I’m about to have sex, or it’s just too hairy. I usually shave everything. Sometimes I shave the sides, near my pelvis area.

Kristen: With that being said, have you all heard that shaving down there can mess up your vagina’s pH Balance? And after hearing that, would it change your mind?

Blake: It wouldn’t really change my mind too much as I don’t really shave that often. But I’m less inclined to shave now. Or at least shave my cookie clean. Her health comes first! Lol. Also, how come nobody knows about these things? I swear I learn something new about my vagina every single day bro. Kid you not.

Basirat: Omg, that changes my mind so much.

So, there you have it! The real scoop from women with vaginas. Did this article change your mind about shaving down there? Comment below!

Kristen Simmons is a Mississippi based writer who attends the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is currently studying English Professional Writing and plans on going into the world of journalism and editing. When she's not writing, she's oil painting, connecting with friends, and coming up with new creative projects.
UIC Contributor.