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Campus Cutie: Olivia Perozzi

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.


Name: Olivia Perozzi

Year: Sophomore

Major: Kinesiology

Birthday: June 16, 1994


UIC Life

What do you love about UIC? I love that UIC is in the city, giving me lots of opportunities.

What do you dislike about UIC? I dislike that there’s not football team because that was one of my favorite parts of high school.

What are you involved in on campus? I am involved in the Honors College and Kinesiology Club.

Favorite UIC memory: Spark in the Park, both years

What are some goals you want to accomplish before you graduate? Finish with strong grades and meet as many people as possible

Fun Facts

If you had a theme song what would it be? “Diva” by Beyonce

Biggest Fear: Public speaking

Dream Job: Professional Dancer

Favorite Quote: “Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness”

Favorite holiday: Christmas, giving and receiving presents, the decorations and all the lights.

Love Life

Interested in: Someone who is funny, genuine, sweet, and smart

Single/Taken: Single

Celebrity crush(es): Justin Timberlake, Chad Michael Murray, Shia Labeouf

Deal breaker: Someone I can’t have an endless conversation with

Dealmaker: Someone who can make me laugh

Dream date: Probably something simple like just walking around the city around Christmas time.

Sydney is currently a junior at UIC. Apart from writing the Campus Celebrity column for HerCampus-UIC, she also serves as the Vice President in her sorority, Phi Sigma Sigma. As of now her major is undeclared, however she would like to major in marketing and finance. When she is not on campus, she is working at her internships, going to concerts, hanging out with friends, and enjoying life as it comes. In the future she hopes to go into some sort of public relations career, such as event planning, but also keeps her options open. Sydney works hard and tries to take advantage of as many opportunities that come her way!
UIC Contributor.